Block Display Studio

BDStudio is a 3D editor and command generator for Minecraft's display entities. It enables you to bring custom 3D models into your Minecraft worlds without the use of mods or resource packs. With this tool, you have complete creative control over an otherwise rigid, blocky world. It has a user friendly UI, and all the necessary 3D modelling and editing tools to create anything you could envision.

Videos showcasing BDStudio

Release notes

BDStudio Releases: Beta 1.2.1 and Beta 1.2.2

3 minute read


We are excited to announce two new bugfix releases for BDStudio: Beta 1.2.1 and Beta 1.2.2. These releases address various issues reported by our dedicated community and introduce improvements that enhance your experience with BDStudio. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the changes made in each release.

BDStudio Beta 1.2: Introducing Item Displays and Redesigned GUI

4 minute read


We are thrilled to announce the release of BDStudio Beta 1.2, packed with exciting new features and enhancements that will elevate your Minecraft creations to new heights. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the latest changes and improvements in this release, including the highly anticipated support for item displays and a complete redesign of the GUI.

BDStudio Beta 1.1.2: Enhanced Functionality and Improved Workflow

1 minute read


We are thrilled to announce the release of BDStudio Beta 1.1.2, that introduces new features and enhancements to streamline your Minecraft building experience. This release focuses on improving functionality and optimizing workflow, empowering you to create intricate designs with greater ease and efficiency.

BDStudio Beta 1.1.1 Bugfix Release: Enhancing Stability and Rendering Accuracy

2 minute read


We are pleased to announce the release of BDStudio Beta 1.1.1, a bugfix update that addresses several issues reported by our dedicated community. This release focuses on improving stability, fixing rendering inconsistencies, and resolving critical bugs to ensure a seamless and enjoyable Minecraft building experience.

BDStudio Beta 1.1: Unleashing New Possibilities in Minecraft Building

3 minute read


We are thrilled to announce the release of BDStudio Beta 1.1, the latest update that brings exciting new features and enhancements to Minecraft builders and creators. Based on invaluable user feedback and extensive development, Beta 1.1 takes BDStudio to new heights, empowering you to unleash your creativity and build extraordinary experiences within the Minecraft universe.